Sunday, March 15, 2009

And the Winner is...

Thank you to everyone who entered my first contest! I loved reading all the fun poems! Carol from Carol's Corner is the lucky gal who was randomly chosen to win Douglas Florian's Dinothesaurus! Congrats, Carol!

Also congrats to authors Heidi Bee Roemer, Kim Hutmacher, and Laura Crawford on their new blog, Wild About Nature! They have some great book reviews about picture books about nature. Check it out!

Lastly, I noticed Christina's superhero a few days ago and had to make one of my own.


I use my supercool lightsaber to make my way to the front row of a concert. My cool glasses protect my eyes from any pyrotechnics used during the show. The shades also highlight mispelled words in blue while I'm typing, too! My lightsaber shrinks to form an always sharpened pencil for my writing sessions. As an added bonus, my shades can see through walls so I can easily check on my children while they are in another room. The lightsaber's a good laundry and toy picker-upper as well.

Make your own superhero at The Hero Factory!
