Here are some words and phrases that are used often in the Polark household.
Polark vocabulary (or Pocabulary or Polarcabulary...I couldn't decide which was better)
Famwich - my husband made up this word for when all three kids and two dogs come into our bed with us to giggle or talk or snuggle (this has on occasion turned into a Dutch Famwich which I will not elaborate on).
Meaner - my five year old coined this for well, someone who is being mean
Bob Georgenfeller - a character name in one of my fifth grader's stories. I just like the name so I am including it in the Pocabulary.
Broadzilla - my husband occasionally calls me this. Isn't he a romantic?!
buttocks - potty talk is rampant in this house
Taco Tuesday - yes, we try to have tacos so often on Tuesdays for dinner, that when we serve it on a different night, one of the children will be confused and ask, "Wait...is today Tuesday?"
Phrases frequently used in our household (besides of course "I love you," "No," and "Wash your hands.")
"I was like.." - my five year old will do or say something and then recap it for us.
Justin Bieber's hair (or as my husband would say, Justin Beaver's hair) -thanks to this post by Murph, this topic has been used lately to make each other laugh or scare my five year old (who finally realized that he really won't be attacked by J.B.'s hair)
"That's where my babies were born!" I say that every time we pass the hospital where my babies were born (which is in the area). So, everyone expects it and chimes in now.
Words or Phrases that once used to be overused but are now "so two years ago" as my fifth grader would say.
Big Ticks. (see my old post for the reasons for this one. My son can thankfully say his "k" sounds correctly now.)
“Not so good, Al.” from the end of the Weezer video, "Buddy Holly." We'd say it when something was not good.
"Save that talk for dinner!" At dinner, our talk would always end up being ridiculous potty talk somehow, so that when someone would be talking about toots or poop during the day, I'd tell them not to say that because that kind of talk was reserved for the dinner table.