Monday, March 15, 2010
Twilight/New Moon Contest

So of course I was thrilled to see Kimberly Franklin and Kristi Chestnutt's posts about their latest contest. They will be having a giveaway of fabulous Twilight prizes including the New Moon DVD. All you need to do is comment and follow both of their blogs. You can get extra entries by posting about their contest (oh, like this one!). And there's more!
They also have a sparkly contest where you write fan fiction, poetry or an essay about something Twilight inspired for even cooler prizes like gift cards and autographs! They even have some snippets of Robert Pattinson's eyebrow hairs in the gift basket (okay, I'm kidding about that one...). But seriously, this contest does not suck.
Visit Kimberly's and Kristi's blog for more details and pictures of the fab prizes! Put down your apple and chess piece and go!