If you missed me shakin’ it, the video clip is in the post below. I had a few comments about "The Reflex" clip, so today’s Tune for Tuesday is by a longtime favorite band of mine, Duran Duran. I had their poster on my wall in junior high. I spent most of my junior high looking at teenybopper and music magazines for pictures and stories about Simon LeBon and John Taylor. I was glued to Mtv watching their amazing music videos. I’ve seen them live in concert four times (the top right photo was taken before a Duran Duran concert). I own most of their CDs and cassettes. I primarily listen to rock music, but Duran Duran will always be one of my favorite bands!
"The Reflex" was Double Duran's first US hit.
Dananana doo doo doo doo, dananana. The Reflex. The Reflex. The Reflex. Flexflexflexflexflex.
1. I did have something to dance about. I was notified that my poem, "Winter Woes," will be included in the Stories for Children Best of 2008 anthology!
2. Cindy Pon’s debut book, Silver Phoenix, was released today! Isn’t her cover gorgeous? Go to her website and you can win a signed book, an original painting, or a gift certificate! Congrats, Cindy!

3. C. Lee Mackenzie of The Write Game blog released her YA book, Sliding on the Edge on Friday! Congrats!