So today I want to give a hug and a shout out to a select few who really make my writing adventure worthwhile.
Anita Laydon Miller - I can't remember how I found Anita's blog, but once I started following her, I found her posts to be so intelligent and funny, and now I consider her a good friend. Anita shares book reviews, funny anecdotes, her MFA journey, and more on her blog. She is represented by Sara Megibow of Nelson Literary Agency. Anita critiques my writing, leaves sarcastic comments, and brightens my day. Thank you, Anita!
Sharon Mayhew - Sharon is my behind the scenes cheerleader. I think we met during Mother Reader's Comment Challenge last year. Sharon is so generous with sharing writing information with her fellow writers through emails or on her blog. She was my first Skype partner. She sends me encouraging emails, helps critique my writing, and one day we are sure to meet in person as she lives one state away. Thank you, Sharon!
Tina Laurel Lee (along with Jon, Heather, Marisa and company at The Practice Room) - Tina created The Practice Room for writers to spend an hour writing and reconvene in a chat room to talk about what was accomplished. I love it! Not only does it help me set a goal for the day, but I love the support (and giggles) I get in the chat room. Check The Practice Room out sometime. It's a treat! Not only is she the boss lady at TPR, but she did a fab critique for me on my latest middle grade. Thank you, Tina!
There are so many more people that have helped me with their writing tips, encouragement, comments, prizes. I could seriously list 100. Who gives out more advice than Elana? Who has awesome agent contests but Shelli? Who gives out more books than anyone I know plus makes cool vlogs but Carol? Not to mention the WriteOnCon ladies who set up such informative chats and conferences. Angela at The Bookshelf Muse gives us a handy thesaurus. Casey at Literary Rambles makes it so much easier to research agents. Lola and Candyland share my love of rock 'n' roll (and now Candace has an agent! Woo Hoo!). Suzanne gives us a question each day to think about. There are my first friends in the blogging world: Rena, Kim, Sam, Christy. My best friend, Becky, who shares my love of writing, plus takes me to her lakehouse for writing retreats. My local critique group (Ann, Cathy, Angela) and Mark One Page At A Time online group (Hema, Sharon, Yaya, Laura ). I want to list so many more, but if you stopped by today to read this, please know that I am thankful for you. I sincerely am.