Saliva is a platinum album selling rock band from Tennessee. Their fifth album Cinco Diablo came out in late 2008. The band was playing less than a half hour from me on Friday night, and I enjoy many of their songs, so my mom and I decided to go. Unfortunately, the concert started late (at 9) with two bands ahead of Saliva. My mom and I decided to sit and chat at the bar area for the two bands and went inside the concert area at the second bands’ last song. We secured a great spot on the left side in front of the stage even with our late entry. Saliva didn’t play until 11pm (which I’m in bed usually by then), but their energy and cool songs kept me very awake.
Here's my mom and me.

Saliva frontman, Josey Scott, is pretty reserved and stayed at the microphone, but he sounded really good. (Sidenote, Josey is married to an adult film star named Kendra something or other, is that a rock n roll cliche or what?). Back to the concert, luckily for us, we discovered that Saliva’s rhythm guitarist, Jonathan Montoya, was pure entertainment just by himself. Jonathan was like the court jester of rock and roll with his expressions, sometimes lewd gestures. He sang and danced throughout the whole show. He also poured beer all over himself, spit water into the audience (what did I expect with a band name like Saliva?). My mom and I had to turn and duck a few times so we weren’t sprayed too much. We giggled throughout the show because of Montoya’s over the top antics and outrageous personality.
Here’s a few short clips of him playing guitar, but it isn’t even his funniest moments, but still a little crazy.
Here’s also a short clip of “Ladies and Gentlemen” (embarrassingly enough, I believe you can hear me singing along, too).
Saliva played their hits (my favorite of the night was "Always") and some cool new tunes from their new album. A great concert. We even ducked out a door with the roadies to get to our car first, so we didn’t even have to fight traffic leaving. A fun night out with Mom.
Today's tune is my favorite Saliva song, "Rest in Pieces," which they did play at the concert in honor of 9/11. The video doesn't do the song justice, it's a little crass for a beautiful song. In fact I don't like the video (and it's not suitable for children), but I love the song! Nikki Sixx of Motley Crue/Sixx:A.M. cowrote this song, he has a cameo in the video.