2. Thank you to Adrienne who tagged me in a meme. The meme challenge is to give a one word response to the questions stated below! If you would like to join in, I tag YOU!
Where is your cell phone? car
Where is your significant other? garage
Your hair color? brown
Your mother? laughing
Your father? basketball
Your favorite thing? kids
Your dream last night? interesting
Your dream/goal? published
The room you’re in? cozy
Your hobby? music
Your fear? death
Where do you want to be in 6 years? here
Where were you last night? home
What you’re not? neat-freak
One of your wish-list items? Juicy
Where you grew up? Illinois
Last thing you did? kissed
What are you wearing? sweater
Your TV? huge
Your pet? dying
Your computer? laptop
Your mood? tired
Missing someone? sometimes
Your car? gas-guzzler
Something you’re not wearing? watch
Favorite store? SuperTarget
Your summer? fast
Love someone? many
Your favorite color? green
When is the last time you laughed? today
Last time you cried? dog
3. Lastly, I have a poem in this month's issue of Stories for Children magazine!
Check out Winter Woes! I love the illustration!