Wednesday, December 17, 2008


Honestly isn’t just a Stryper song. I have been nominated for the Honest Scrap Award by my blogger buddy, Christy. “Scrap means left over, discarded material. Many times truth and honesty are discarded material, considered fragments and left over. This award is for people that tell it like it is, and let the scraps fall where they will. There are 2 guidelines for receiving this award. One, you are to list 10 honest things about yourself. Make them interesting, even if you have to dig deep. Two, present the award to other bloggers.”
Ten honest things about me are –
1. I am an honest person, but sometimes I say nothing instead of telling it like it is to avoid conflict.
2. I’ve cried every day since my dog died.
3. Before I go to bed at night, I have to put my hand on my kids’ backs to make sure they are breathing.
4. No matter where I go or for how long for vacation, I am always glad to return home. I am a major homebody.
5. I have a stack of magazines two feet high that I still haven’t read and have to go through.
6. I know I am overprotective of my children and that I need to let up. But I hover anyway.
7. My husband and I have had our fair share of medical tests and procedures with my daughter (one being she had her kidney removed last year). We take her to specialists throughout the year. She’s one tough little girl.
8. My husband drives me crazy sometimes, but I’m crazy about him :0). I suppose that could go for my three children, too!
9. I had a cookie for breakfast today.
10. I think I’m addicted to Facebook.

There you have it. I tag Shelby, Kim, Adrienne, Ann and Samantha .