If you missed the Diary of a With It Kid entries, see my aspirations
here, puke entry
here, and fourth grade entry
here, and how Anne Frank helped my love life
here. Next is the ups and downs of a short lived junior high romance. Here are true excerpts from my diary of a three day romance with a seventh grader when I began my eighth grade year. Middle grade authors take note for your stories. Except kids don't say babe anymore do they? List babelicious terms of 2011 in the comments. Hottie? Shawty? (and none of these terms can be applied to my dorky eighth grade basketball picture to the left. They didn't call me Too Tall Maple for nothin'!)
August 28
Hi! We started school yesterday. Yesterday was kind of boring. Today was better. I like Todd again (he's a 7th grader). I call him Toddy Woddy (I called him that on our school trip to Springfield in July). So he calls me Kelly Welly. I guess that's better than Smelly Kelly. I don't know if he likes me. I doubt it. We talked at the end of school (at 3:30) mostly about Springfield. When I had study hall (but I have to do math to get ready for my night classes at the high school). Yes, I was a brain. Mrs. Reynolds left the door open so I could see Todd (he was eating lunch). I waved. He waved back. After lunch they (his friends) stood around (in front of the door) & he goes, "Want this?" (he was holding his half eaten sandwich). I go, "No thanks." I should have taken the sandwich! It was probaby pb&j! Mr. Mills stood by them and came in and joked around and said, "I'm sorry are we bothering you?" He left. Then Todd waved bye and left. Todd is a babe!
August 29
Hi! Today we had our first student council meeting. I was Ms. President. We're having a dance Sept 14. I hope it's a good dance. Isn't any dance a good dance? Todd was kind of a jerk today - whenever he's with Ryan he's a jerk. Ryan's only nice when he's alone too. Toddy is a babe!
August 31
Hello! I can't see Todd for 3 whole days! Mike and Chad know I like Todd so he'll probably know by Tuesday. I talked to him pretty much at school. Usually about stuff like the Springfield trip. Can you please think of another topic to talk to him about, Kelly? Tonight Jon called (he sounded like Todd at first - my heart skipped a couple of beats). Drama! He liked Becky. He told me to call her and ask her out fo him. I called her and she felt bad because of this (and boy I did too) but she said no. We talked a long time to figure out a way to tell him. Finally I called him and told him the truth. That's all folks! Todd is a massive babe!
September 4
Guess what! I'm goin' with Todd! Isn't that super! He's such a babe! Mary Kate and Jenny ran up to me in the hall & said, "Will you go out with Todd?" I go, "ha ha!" cuz I thought they were joking but then they told me what they said to him. I go, "Yes, of course!" They ran to tell him & now I'm goin' with him. Mary Kate and Dawn won for 8th grade Student Council representatives. It was a spectacular day! Todd is a babe! Should I end all my blog posts with "My hubby is a babe?"
September 5
Todd was a babe as usual today. That's just funny! We talked in the halls pretty much. I wrote him a note he said he'd write me a note by 8th hour. He didn't he said he was sorry & promised me one tomorrow so I guess I'll get the note tomorrow.
September 7
Sorry I didn't write yesterday. I'm so polite to my diary. Todd finally wrote me a note yesterday. I was so happy yesterday. We didn't talk a whole lot but we talked. Well, anyway, here's the bad news. Today he broke up. Everything was going fine (well, at least I thought). I wrote him a note like every day Um, which means three whole days straight. I asked him "So do you wanna write back?" He said, "Yeah. I guess so." Then I saw him in the halls and say hi. He said hi. Riveting conversations! Dawn and I filled up the vending machine. He passed and I said "Hi." He said "Hi." I said, "Note?" Man, I put the pressure on writing notes! He shook his head and said "Well, not yet." Then 8th hour Dawn and I were by the L.C. Todd was talking to Mike and when Mike was leaving Todd said, "Don't say anything!" Then Matt and Todd were by the books and I heard Todd say, "Don't tell her yet!" So I kind of knew. Then Matt comes up to me and goes "Todd wants to break up." I go "OK." Then I thought he was going to leave but he said, "Because he doesn't know you that well" I guess I should have talked more than about the darn Springfield trip! I said, "Okay" again & Matt left. When Mike broke up with me in 7th grade I cried (well, tears came down). Not a tear this time. Well, I felt like I was going to when I told my friends. Well, I cried a little when I was listening to some music Which was probably Air Supply, Chicago or Duran Duran at the time. and looking through his picture and note. Way to torture yourself, Kelly. And the note! What is up with the significance of the notes?! I guess I still do like him, but I'll probably know for sure Monday.
Well, I definitely don't like Todd anymore. I like Allan again. HA! The fickle heart of a 13 year old.
Oops! I almost forgot! Chris is a babe! (Chris is my hubby). Like totally.