Due to being the youngest in the school now, J-Man was a little nervous the first few weeks of school, but he seems to be taking it in stride now.
Here are a few conversations from the first few weeks of middle school.
Day One:
J-Man: “The eighth graders are HUGE! They are so tall!”
(And this is coming from J-Man who is one of the youngest yet tallest in his grade.)
Week One:
J-Man: “Mom! An 8th grader told me he liked my shirt today!” See shirt in picture. And now this is the shirt most frequently worn by J-Man this school year.
Week Two:
J-Man: “Mom, I accidentally tripped an 8th grader going down the stairs today!”
Mom: “Oh, no! Did you say you were sorry? What did you do?”
J-Man: “No, I ran!”
Week Three:
J-Man: “Mom, an 8th grader sat on the bus with me today.”
Mom: “So, did he talk to you?”
J-Man: “Yeah!”
Mom: “What did he say?”
J-Man: “Well, the bus started moving so he had to sit down quickly, and he sat in my seat. He said, “ I’m just going to sit here until the bus stops again.”
Mom: “What did you say?”
J-Man: “Nothing. I scooted closer to the window!”
My sweet little fifth grader.
Today’s tune for Tuesday is by Disturbed. The band from my son’s now most prized t-shirt. Disturbed is a successful rock band from Chicago. Their most famous song is probably 2001’s “Down with the Sickness.” My husband and I saw them live at Ozzfest in 2006, they were really great live! Here is a video from their most recent album, Indestructible. My son just bought this CD, but there are a few inappropriate songs on it, so I had to import it on my computer then burn him a CD with 9/12 songs on it. “Inside the Fire” is a number one hit from this album and is today's tune. And I've only let J-Man watch the first half of this video, the end is a little gruesome...but perfect for the month of October.