Friday, September 20, 2013

I have talented blog buddies.

Yes. Yes, I do.

I have seen so many great tweets and posts about my friends in blogland that I wanted to share their new (or upcoming) books with you!

Check these out!

Laura Pauling can write one exciting thriller. This YA time travel novel came out last month! You can purchase it here!
Jimmy's other books feature vampires, but his newest is a paranormal with ghosts. Cool cover!
I read Suzanne's YA Fingerprints on vacation in August. True to life characters.
Oh my heck! It's Elana's conclusion to the amazing Possession trilogy!
Have you read Myra's awesome Hourglass series? Infinityglass , the third novel in the series, released last month!
I'm currently reading Indiestructible: Inspiring Stories from the Publishing Jungle. Proceeds go to charity! Check it out! Lots of my writing friends are featured.

If you are in blogland and don't know Alex, you need to check out his blog! He's the blog ninja, people! Cassastorm is his third installment of his Cassastar series. You can buy it in paperback or ebook form here and other online stores!
Christina's debut NA novel released this week, too! I hear it is hot AND sweet! Looking forward to reading it!
You all know that I adore LTM's books. This latest in the Dragonfly series releases October 3!
Is this cover bluetiful or what? Our favorite doctor/author Lydia's debut YA novel arrives December 26!
Those super helpful ladies, Angela and Becca have done it again! Look forward to other helpful books, The Positive and Negative Trait Thesaurus next month!
Fellow Illinois author Susan Kaye Quinn is blogging her upcoming book Indie Author Survival Guide. Check out her amazing, instructive posts!
And have you seen the super cute cover reveal from Bish?
Lastly, a super shout out to Samantha Verant who sold her memoir, Seven Letters From Paris. It is amazing. Sam is so funny, genuine, and this is such a wonderful story about second chances.
These are a peek at some amazing people and their books. There are more out there, and I hope I didn't miss any wonderful friends who have books recently out. If I did, I'd be happy to add them to this post!