Hello, my dear blogging friends. As you may or may not have noticed, I have not been as present in the blogosphere lately. I have good reason for this. My husband and I are getting our house ready for sale. We are relocating to the state north of us due to my husband's new job. I'm so thankful for this really wonderful opportunity for my husband, but it will be hard to say goodbye to my home and family that live here. Luckily our new place will be less than two hours from where we live now.
So, I have been scrubbing and scrubbing some more. We have had handymen doing minor repairs and painting. We've donated fifty plus bags of clothing and household items to charities. My days and nights have been consumed by organizing, decluttering, and packing. I really do love that it is forcing me to get my things in order, even though I fall into bed sore and exhausted each night. This house will be perfect... right in time for us to move!
I love this home so much. It's a beautiful partly wooded lot with a big area for the kids to play. I love the autumn leaves surrounding us in the fall and when the forest POPS with green in the spring. I've rocked all my newborn babies and watched them go on the school bus for the first time here. We've had fun family parties and barbecues and just so many great memories. I will miss it so, but I am ready for the next adventure in my future community and home. Well, not quite ready yet. We have to sell this house first! ACK!
Due to my days and nights being consumed by getting my house in order, my writing has stalled. And I am almost there. Almost to the end of my middle grade manuscript. I have one more chapter to finish (the second to last chapter) and then a few revisions before I send it to some critique partners. Then more revisions and hopefully off to agentland. It's been slow going as I reread my a few chapters or all of my manuscript almost every time I write. I like to feel the flow of the story and continue. Luckily, I still love my story. I do sincerely love it. Once my house is up for sale, I will be finishing that thing once and for all!
Where are you in your manuscript?
Thank you so much to Carolyn Abiad and Patricia Timms for giving my the One Lovely Blogger Award! That was lovely of you ladies!!! Thank you also to Ishta Mercurio as well for awarding me The Versatile Blogger award. Check their wonderful blogs out!
And WOWZA! I surpassed 200 followers sometime in my cleaning hibernation. Hello to my new followers, thanks for coming by!

Even though I don't ride, I wear her clothing, because it's so darn cute.
No more concerts on the horizon until probably 2011. Though just heard about a new album coming out soon and I'm psyched! My Chemical Romance's new album with a very long title drops November 22. I've never seen them live, so hope they'll tour the U.S. sooner than later! Here's a preview: