Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Whatcha been doin', Kelly?

Well, thanks for asking! I'll tell you what I've been doing on my blog break. Last week my family of five (plus grandma and grandpa) spent the night in four different states in four consecutive days last week. One place we stopped was in St. Olaf, Iowa for lunch. Home of the largest pork tenderloin sandwich. Oh, yes. See the behemoth below (My husband ordered it. He ate half of it.).
Even the child burgers were huge! (see photo below)

That was the only bite she took. I actually ended up eating half that burger, and she instead ate the mini pork tenderloin I ordered.
We have actually visited this establishment before about eight years ago. There are new owners since that time. Here is what the sandwich looked then. It was bigger, but thinner.

After visiting relatives in Iowa, we drove to Minnesota for my daughter's doctor appointment at the Mayo Clinic. We have been going 1-2 times a year since she was one. The appointment went great, and the children LOVED the hotel pool. The hotel pool had a great water slide, and I seriously watched my daughter go down it 41 times in two hours. Yes, I counted. Then the next morning she went down it over twenty times. Kids love slides. Yep, they do.

We traveled home then so my husband and I could attend a very sad funeral (RIP Jimmy) on Friday and a very fun family wedding (Congrats, Andrea) on Saturday.
See the video at the end of my cousin Bud and my son JD rocking out at the wedding.
I was so exhausted on Sunday I seriously stayed in my pajamas all day long.
This week has been full of errands, catching up, a fun day at the beach with my relatives from Arizona, and writing. Yes, writing, glorious writing! I have ignored my WIP for much of the summer, but I've been plugging along with some good writing blocks this week.

So, what have you been up to?