After paying ten galleons for entry into the theater, the six of us filed strategically in the theater seats. I wasn't sure if this movie would be too scary for my youngest two, so I made sure an adult was on either side of them if cuddling was needed. They saw a few HP movies so far, but not the PG-13 one. My oldest (almost ten years old)was allowed to see all of them since he read the books.
So my almost five year old and almost seven year old were armed with sweatshirts to cover their faces in case there was a scary scene. (They peeked from behind them during some parts, but I told them to not peek during the boat scene and they complied). They did enjoy the movie since they were so familiar with the past movies.
I thoroughly enjoyed the movie as well. The opening scene was amazing. This movie was funnier, I giggled more than in other ones. The kids are older, so there are a few love scenes. My kids learned what the word snogging meant (and they giggled). I wish Fred and George Weasley were in more scenes, as they are my favorite characters, but other than that the movie was excellent. I laughed, I cried...
When we got home, I made a batch of butterbeer for my muggle family. I warmed up butterscotch syrup in a measuring glass in the microwave, put it in a glass and mixed it with cream soda. Then a dollup of whipped cream. See more versions of the recipe here.
See the Goblet of Butterbeer below! It's yummy!!